Jonn Elledge

Jonn Elledge is a New Statesman columnist, and a contributor to the Big Issue, the Guardian, the Evening Standard, and a number of other newspapers. He was previously an assistant editor at the New Statesman, where he created and ran its urbanism-focused CityMetric site, and spent six happy years writing about cities, maps and borders and hosting the Skylines podcast. He has written over a hundred editions of the Newsletter of (Not Quite) Everything. His new book is A History of the World in 47 Borders: The Stories Behind the Lines on Our Maps. He previously wrote The Compendium of (Not Quite) Everything: All the Facts You Didn’t Know You Wanted to Know and, with Tom Phillips, Conspiracy: A History of Boll*cks Theories, and How Not to Fall for Them.

1. Babylon 5

2. Life & Fate by Vasily Grossman

3. The Truth about Markets by John Kay

4. Why there was no Danish holocaust

5. Nehru’s affair with Lady Mountbatten

6. Ethiopian food

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